Bodoland Territorial Council, Kokrajhar.
Last Date: 05/08/2019.
The Central Selection Board (CSB), Bodoland Territorial Council, Kokrajhar invites application from the eligible candidates citizen of India for filling up of the following SIU approved sanction vacant posts of Grade- Ill (Non-Gazetted) under the Forest Department, BTC in the Pay Band and Grade Pay plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules of Govt, of Assam issued from lime to time.
1. Forester-I
No of posts: 22
Pay: P.B-2 Rs. 14000/- 49000/- +GP 6200/-
Education Qualification: Minimum Bachelors Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or equivalent.
Age: Age limit of 18 to 25 years on 31st January, 2019. Relaxation of age for SC/ST is 5 years & OBC is 3 years as per Govt, rules.
Physical Requirements: Height-163 cm for General and 153 cm for ST(P)/ST(H). Chest Normal-79cm round. Expanded-84cm round.
2. Forest Guard
No of posts: 70
Pay: P.B-2 Rs. 14000/- 49000/- +GP 5600/-
Education Qualification: Minimum HS (10+2) or equivalent.
Age: Age limit of 18 to 25 years on 31st January, 2019. Relaxation of age for SC/ST is 5 year & OBC is 3 years as per Govt, rules.
Physical Requirements: Height-163 cm for General and 153 cm for ST(P)/ST(H). Chest Normal-79cm round. Expanded-84cm round.
Mode of Examination: The mode of selection/examination for the post of Forester-I and Forest Guard as mentioned above will be as follows.
a) Physical Fitness Test comprising 26 kms walking to be covered within 4 hours followed by a medical examination will also be conducted for Forester-I and Forest Guard.
b) Candidates qualified in the Physical Fitness Test for the post of Forester-I and Forest Guard shall be called for written test. The Written Test will be 3 Hours on General Knowledge, General Mathematics and General English.
c) Viva-Voce Test.
Application Fee: All the eligible candidates applying for the post as mentioned above need to deposit a Treasury Challan to be paid at Kokrajhar Treasury Office or IPO for an amount of Rs.150/-(Rupees one hundred fifty) only for General/OBC/MOBC candidates and Rs.1OO/-(Rupees one hundred) only for SC/ST candidates.
In case of Treasury Challan the challan must be paid in favour of the Principal Secretary, BTC, Kokrajhar payable at Kokrajhar Treasury Office only under the Head of Account-8443 Civil Deposit, Personal Deposit, BTC. The challan paid at Kokrajhar Treasury Office only will be accepted. And in case of IPO must be paid in favour of the Member Secretary, CSB, Kokrajhar payable at Kokrajhar Head Post Office.
How to apply: The eligible candidates willing to apply for the post as mentioned above may apply by filling up the application form as per ANNEXURE-I of this advertisement.
The complete application form duly filled up by the candidates with all testimonials should be submitted to “The Member Secretary, Central Selection Board (CSB), BTC, Post Office Road, Kokrajhar, BTC (Assam), PIN Code-783370 “
The last date of application submission is fixed on 5th August, 2019 upto 5.00 PM envelope containing completed application along with testimonials and one self addressed envelope (size 23cmX10cm) affixing postal stamp of Rs.5/-must be superscribed the name of the post applied for on the top of the envelop.
Advertisement Details/ Application Format: CHECK HEAR
Last Date: 05/08/2019.
The Central Selection Board (CSB), Bodoland Territorial Council, Kokrajhar invites application from the eligible candidates citizen of India for filling up of the following SIU approved sanction vacant posts of Grade- Ill (Non-Gazetted) under the Forest Department, BTC in the Pay Band and Grade Pay plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules of Govt, of Assam issued from lime to time.
1. Forester-I
No of posts: 22
Pay: P.B-2 Rs. 14000/- 49000/- +GP 6200/-
Education Qualification: Minimum Bachelors Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or equivalent.
Age: Age limit of 18 to 25 years on 31st January, 2019. Relaxation of age for SC/ST is 5 years & OBC is 3 years as per Govt, rules.
Physical Requirements: Height-163 cm for General and 153 cm for ST(P)/ST(H). Chest Normal-79cm round. Expanded-84cm round.
2. Forest Guard
No of posts: 70
Pay: P.B-2 Rs. 14000/- 49000/- +GP 5600/-
Education Qualification: Minimum HS (10+2) or equivalent.
Age: Age limit of 18 to 25 years on 31st January, 2019. Relaxation of age for SC/ST is 5 year & OBC is 3 years as per Govt, rules.
Physical Requirements: Height-163 cm for General and 153 cm for ST(P)/ST(H). Chest Normal-79cm round. Expanded-84cm round.
Mode of Examination: The mode of selection/examination for the post of Forester-I and Forest Guard as mentioned above will be as follows.
a) Physical Fitness Test comprising 26 kms walking to be covered within 4 hours followed by a medical examination will also be conducted for Forester-I and Forest Guard.
b) Candidates qualified in the Physical Fitness Test for the post of Forester-I and Forest Guard shall be called for written test. The Written Test will be 3 Hours on General Knowledge, General Mathematics and General English.
c) Viva-Voce Test.
Application Fee: All the eligible candidates applying for the post as mentioned above need to deposit a Treasury Challan to be paid at Kokrajhar Treasury Office or IPO for an amount of Rs.150/-(Rupees one hundred fifty) only for General/OBC/MOBC candidates and Rs.1OO/-(Rupees one hundred) only for SC/ST candidates.
In case of Treasury Challan the challan must be paid in favour of the Principal Secretary, BTC, Kokrajhar payable at Kokrajhar Treasury Office only under the Head of Account-8443 Civil Deposit, Personal Deposit, BTC. The challan paid at Kokrajhar Treasury Office only will be accepted. And in case of IPO must be paid in favour of the Member Secretary, CSB, Kokrajhar payable at Kokrajhar Head Post Office.
How to apply: The eligible candidates willing to apply for the post as mentioned above may apply by filling up the application form as per ANNEXURE-I of this advertisement.
The complete application form duly filled up by the candidates with all testimonials should be submitted to “The Member Secretary, Central Selection Board (CSB), BTC, Post Office Road, Kokrajhar, BTC (Assam), PIN Code-783370 “
The last date of application submission is fixed on 5th August, 2019 upto 5.00 PM envelope containing completed application along with testimonials and one self addressed envelope (size 23cmX10cm) affixing postal stamp of Rs.5/-must be superscribed the name of the post applied for on the top of the envelop.
Advertisement Details/ Application Format: CHECK HEAR
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