ASSAM STATE RURAL LIVELIHOODS MISSION - Recruitment 2019 (280 Vacancies)
Online Applications are invited for engagement on Society, Assam. ADVERTISEMENT contractual basis for the following positionsin Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission
1. State Project Manager-Non-Farm Livelihoods (1 post)
2. Project Manager (HR) (1 post)
3. Project Executive-Finance & Accounts (1 post)
4. Project Assistant-Social Inclusion,Social Development (1 post)
5. District ProjectManager (3 post)
6. District FunctionalExpert (SM, IB & CB) (2 post)
7. District FunctionalExpert (Livelihoods &Marketing) (8 post)
8. District FunctionalExpert (FI) (7 Post)
9. District FunctionalExpert (Skills) (1 post)
10. District AccountsManager (2 post)
11. District MIS Manager (15 post)
12. Block Project Manage (2 post)
13. Block Coordinator (141 post)
14. Block Coordinator-Mahila KisanSashaktikaranPariyojna (MKSP) (5 post)
15. Block Coordinator-Start-up VillageEntrepreneurshipProgram (SVEP AAP) (3 post)
16. MIS Assistant cumAccountant (4 post)
l. The applicants should fill in all relevant portion ofthe online application format. Candidates reedro, submit relevant testimonials (pass certificates, marksheets, experience certificates etc.) along with online application. Those who qualii, in written test will be short listed and called for document verificationon a later date. Candidates who failto submit required documents during the time of verification or do not possess the required qualification or experience,their application will be rejected even ifthey qualiry in written test and no fi.rtler communication will be entertained fiom them. Candidates are, therefore.advised to ensure thei own eligibility before applying for a particular post.
2. Candidates should note that for each ofthe following groups ofposts, he/she can opply for only one post within that group.
a) Group I - Project Executive-Finance & Accounts, Distict Project Manager
b) Group II - hoject Assistant- Social Inclusion, Social Development, District Functional Expert (SM, tB & CB), District Functional Expert(Livelihoods & Marketing), District Functional Expert (FI), Dishict Functionat Expert (Skillsy Block Project Manager
c) Group lll - Block Coordinator, Block Coordinator (MKSP), Block Coordinator (SVEP AAP)
d) Croup ry - District Accounts Manager, Dishict MIS Manager, MIS Assistant cum Accountant
3. The link for Online Application is which will be active fiom 10.00 sm of ts June, 2019 and will remain active till 11.59pm of306June' 2019. No communication in respect ofsubmission ofonline Application will be entertained once the submission date is over. Mode of ApplicNtiontu Online only.
4. Cut-offdate for the purpose ofcalculation ofage and experience shall be 01/M/2019 (l'. Apfil,2019).
5. Relaxation in maximum age: SC/ST candidates - syears; OBC/PWD candidates * 3years
6 The short_listed candidates after wdtten test rnay have to appear for Group Discussion / Computer Proficiency Test and Personal lnterview as decided bytle State Mission Di.ector, for which no TA / DA $all be paid.
7. There will be no minimum quoli&ing marks in the written test. However, five candidates in order ofmerit will be called for Gmup Discussion / comDuterProficiency Test / Personal Interview, against each vacancy.
8. Candidates willing to apply for more than one post shall have to submit separate application for edch post, taking into consideration the grouping ofpositionsgiven in Sl. No.2.
9. Incomplete application shall be rej€cted without giving any information.
10. Initislly, this engagement will tre for one year. Based on performance and requirement of the mission, contract may furthq be extended, subject tosatisfactory performance.
11 . Ifsuitable number ofcandidates are not .vailable for the positions ofBlock Coordinator- MKSP and Block Coordinator- SVEP AAp, the Mission reservesthe right to select a meritlisted candidate from the position of Block coordinator to any ofthe former two positions.
12. In addition to the gross salary as mention€d above, selected candidates afterjoining will be entitled to get other allowances, benefits lik€ Medical InsumncgCroup Accident Insurance etc. as p€r rules of the Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission Society. They will also be entitled to get annual increment.However, these benefits arc subject to change, dep€nding upon circumstances.
13. The candidates selectEd for the positions ofBlock Coordinaton- MKSP will be posted in the specifrc Blocks where scheme is being implemente4 i.e. UjaniMajuli, Barkhetri, Kushdhowa, Pakabetbad and Lumbajong.
14. The cardid.tes selected for the positions of Block Coordinators- SVEP AAP will be posted in the specific Blocks where is being implemented,i.e. Hsjo, Pub Mangaldoi and Sidli-Chirang.
15. It may be noted that lhe positions of Block Coordinators under MKSP and SVEP are not interchangeabl€ with those under DAY-NRLM and DDU-cKy.
The Ministry of Rural Development, with support of the World Bank, has taken up 'Nation&l Ruml Economic Transformation Project (NRETP)" toimplement higher order economic activities in Cluster Level Fedemtions, in 13 high poverty states including Assam. It has become crucial to deploydedicated human resources ofrequired technical competenc€ to lead the proposed activities under NR-ETP during the project period. For that purpose, onlineapplications are invited for engegement offollowing professionals, on contractual basis for the project period of NRETP.
1. Project Manager -Digital Finance (1 post)
2. Project Manager -Value Chain andForward Linkage (1 post)
3. Project Manager -Enterprise Promotion[Non-Farm) (1 post)
4. Young Professional (20 post)
5. Block Coordinator-Financial Inclusion (20 post)
6. Block Coordinator-Forward Linkage (20 post)
7. Block Coordinator-Non-farm (20 post)
1. The applicants should fill in all relevant portion ofthe online application format. Candidates ,teed ro, submit relevant testimonials (pass certificates, marksheets, experience certificates etc.) along with online application. Those who qualiry in wriften test will be short listed and called for document verificationon a later date. Candidates who fail to submit required documents during the time ofverification or do not possess the rcquircd qualification or experience,their application will be rejected even ifthey qualiry in written test and no further communicatio! will be entertained fiom them. Candidates are, therefore,advised to enswe their own eligibility before applying for a particular post.
2. Candidates should note that for each ofthe following groups of posts, h€/she can apply for only one post within that group.
a) Group I - hoject Manager- Digita.l Finance, Project Manager- Value Chain and Forward Linkage, Project Marager- Enterprise Promotion (NonFarm)
b) Group II - Block coordinator-Financial tnclusion, Block Coordinator- Forward Linkage, Block Coordinator-Non-farm
3. The link for Online Application is bgplhslhElAtL which will be active from 10,fi) am of 8m June, 2019 and will remain active till 1159 pm of 30'hJune,2019. No communication in respect ofsubmission ofonline Application will be entertained once the submission date is over. Mode of Applicationis Online only.
4. Cut offdate for the purpose ofcalculation ofage and exp€rienc€ shall be 0U0420f9 (1"i April,2019).
5. Relaxotion in m.ximum age: SC/ST candidates - syea$; OBC/PWD candidates - 3years.
6. The short-listed candidates after written test may have to appear for Group Discussion / Computer Proficiency Tost and personal Interview as decided bythe State Mission Director, for which no TA / DA shall be paid.
7. There will be no minimum qualifiing marks in the written t$t. However, five candidates in order of merit will be called for Group Discussion / ComouterProficiency Test / Personal Interview, &gainst each vacancy.
8. candidates willingto apply for more than one post shall have to submit s€parate application for each pos! taking into consideration the gouping ofpositionsgiven in Sl. No. 2.
9. Incomplete application shall be rejected without giving any information.
10. Initially this engagement will b€ for one year. Bas€d on performance and requirEment ofthe mission, contmct may fufther b€ extended, subject to satisfactoryperforrnance and dumtion ofthe NRETP project.
11. In addition to tbe gross salary as mentioned above, selected candidates under NRETP will be entitled to get other ollowances, b€nefits like MedicalInsurance, Group Accident Insuranc€ etc. a3 per rules of the Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission Society. They will also be entitled to get annualincrcment. However, thes€ benefits are subject to change, depending upon circumstances.
12. The c.ndidat€s select€d for the positions ofYoung Professional and Block CoordinatoE under NRITP will be posted in the specific Blocks offive disfictsof Asssm, viz. Dh€maji, Hailaksndi, Nagaon, Tinsukia and Udalguri only, where the project will be implemented.
13. It may be noted that the positions under NRETP ar€ not interchangeable with those under DAY-NRLM and DDU4Ky.
14. For any other updates, the candidates are advised to visit the official website regularly.
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